Just a walk in the woods

Pond at entrance to woods

We went for a walk in the woods. A late afternoon after school – just the kids and me. We were back in England and no longer in the Hamptons in the US of A.

A pond marked the entrance to the woods. A lone Water Lily standing proud in the water’s reflections.

Water Lily in pond

The sunlight peeked through the trees casting shadows wherever we looked and wandered.

Luce entering woods

Ferns blanketed the ground around us. The light played with my children among the trees. Ferns in woodsLight on fernsLooking at tree trunkWalking among ferns

Woods filled with chestnut, hazel, birch and oak trees.

sunlight shining through woods

A stream to follow so we would not get lost in these English woods. And splash in.

Luce Theo folowing stream in woods

A stick to guide them through the trees while the sun glittered on the stream.

Theo and light on water

They told me the fallen trees were now their secret playground.Fallen treesClimbing on fallen trees

Standing on fallen trees

Fallen trees playground in woods

They wanted to stay and continue climbing the fallen trunks and branches but it was time to head back.

Walking through English woods

Deer grazed in a field next to nature’s playground.

deer in field

And as we returned home the deer fled into the woods we had just departed.

11 thoughts on “Just a walk in the woods”

  1. Great to see you’re still heading out on family walks now that you’re back in the UK, the countryside looks more familiar too. I’ll miss your photos of the Hamptons though! #countrykids

  2. It must have been such a beautiful and tranquil experience. Finding the deer must have excited the children, or maybe they are used to seeing them where you live! #CountryKIds

  3. How very tranquil and picturesque – a perfect place to explore and enjoy a bit of water and tree play. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon, thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  4. How beautiful, a lovely way to spend the afternoon. I’m glad to see you still getting out for your after school adventures, although it must feel very different from the Hamptons. Hope the twins are settling in okay x

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