Princess Poppy is not a princess. Well, actually she is.
She lives in a country cottage with her family in a village called Honeypot Hill. She’s a charming little girl who sometimes gets into trouble and has fun adventures, often with her best friend Honey.
No, she doesn’t live in a castle. No, she’s not a royal. She’s a princess just as “every little girl is a princess.” And, like every young girl, she faces issues such as jealousy, bullies, or even being a little bossy herself. But she learns from these childhood challenges or faces her own small foibles and tries to do her best.
The endearing young heroine stars in a series of children’s books by British author Janey Louise Jones.
If you have a daughter who loves dressing up, ponies, flowers and such like, then she’ll undoubtedly adore the Princess Poppy children’s books. Indeed there are many kids in UK who do as over 2 million books in the series have been sold since they were first published in 2003. I think the character is so popular because she’s not perfect. But at the same time she’s warm and sensitive.
A series of Princess Poppy First Readers have been published for children 5+ who are just learning to read. And for older children who can read alone there are now Princess Poppy chapter books available. These also focus on the ups and downs of friendships as well as the fears and hopes facing young girls. The Princess Poppy phenomenon in Britain also includes a Princess Poppy Cookbook with 25 recipes and crafts to make.
The author Janey Louise Jones is a mother of three boys based in Edinburgh. After graduating with a Masters degree from Edinburgh University, she decided to become a teacher. She self-published the first two Princess Poppy books but they were such a hit that the series were bought by Random House Children’s Books.
Since then the soft pastel illustrations in the picture books have been by Veronica Vasylenko. The illustrations here are from Puppy Love. The Princess Poppy fiction book series were illustrated by Samantha Chaffey.
One of my daughter’s favourite things about the picture book series is that there’s a secret letter from Princess Poppy in an attached envelope in each book.
We love Princess Poppy. We have one of these books and they are so lovely.
What a wonderful book series. The illustrations are delightful and I love the idea of the secret letter in each book. Something my daughter would adore!
I’ve heard of Princess Poppy but we’ve never read any of the books. I love the illustrations 🙂
Hopping over from the kid lit bloghop.
Thank you for posting. It looks like your books have good life tools for children. Thank you for posting on Kid Lit Blog Hop.
This sounds like a sweet series – I haven’t heard of it before – thanks for posting about it. I love that Princess Poppy isn’t perfect, yet is kind. What a nice series for children growing from picture books and learning to read on their own. I stopped by from the Kid Lit Blog Hop.
What a lovely idea to have a letter from Princess Poppy contained within each book. These stories are wonderful and it is so clever to release titles in early readers and chapter books so that children can follow their favourite characters throughout their reading journey. Thank you for linking up to #kidsbookaweek
Oh what a lovely series of books! I’ve never seen them before so will keep a look out for them! x