Now they are six

grill beach now they are sixNow they are six. It seemed only moments ago I held them as newborns in my arms, weighing about six pounds each.

Presents before breakfast. Cupcakes for school. School day over. And phew, rain has stopped which means we can go ahead with a birthday treat on the beach.

coal on grillwatching flamesWe lit a bag of coals on the grill. And watched it catch fire.

running to playgroundswings on beachon swing by seaThey played on the swings.

slide on beachAnd went for a slide while the coals turned up the heat.

queen of the worldMy daughter yelled, “I’m queen of the world.” And I thought, “Oh yes, now you are six.” smores marshmallowgrilling marshmallows

Then they grilled their marshmallows on long sticks. It was time for s’mores, an American treat: roasted marshmallow and a slab of chocolate sandwiched in between Honey Graham crackers. But with a British twist – Cadbury’s of course.

standing on beach table
wide-shot-beachA summer’s picnic table now suited for a view and eating a s’more.

chasing seagullsdad hugging twinsAnd then a final chase of the seagulls. And a hug from their Dad. lucesmiling

We left the beach while I kept repeating to myself, ‘Now they are six!’

18 thoughts on “Now they are six”

  1. Pingback: Coombe Mill

  2. Time passes quickly doesn’t it. I’ve seen both my boys get married this year.. I don’t know where those years went!!
    I love the idea of birthday on the beach, you have everything there! BBQ, playground, sand and sea!!

  3. Beautiful photos of their special day Kriss, I especially like the ones on the swings, looking out to sea. Glad to see you used Cadburys rather than Hershey’s chocolate… 🙂 #CountryKids

  4. What a fantastic birthday treat, bbq treats on the beach with play equipment. I love the photo of them having a hug from Dad – they look so happy. Thanks for linking up and sharing their birthday fun with Country Kids.

  5. Oh my goodness! A beach with a playground? This is what my daughter would call heaven! As always lovely photos 🙂 #CountryKids.

  6. Awww happy birthday to them! They look very grown up! What a lovely beach, I’d love to go to the beach on my birthday, I bet they loved it 😀 xx

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