Sheep in the Forest

Sheep in Ashdown Forest

I was tempted to name this photo ‘lost sheep in the forest’ but they weren’t lost. These three were part of a flock allowed to graze in the Ashdown Forest, presumably owned by a Commoner. But, thanks to me, my three – my husband, Luce and Theo – had been lost nearby earlier in the morning.

Luce and Theo were taking part in the Jamboree on the Trail which is an annual day for the World Scout Movement to hike together. I sent them to the wrong car park in Ashdown Forest to meet their local Beaver group. Luckily after many frantic calls to get the correct directions they managed to catch up with the others.  When I went to pick them up after the hike, I was diverted by the sight of the sheep in the forest and had to run off and take some photos!

49 thoughts on “Sheep in the Forest”

  1. we used to live in the Forest of Dean where sheep can roam freely, they used to pop into our garden when we forgot to close the gate

  2. They look really at home there! Sheep are quite rare in our part of the world. So much so, that it’s quite an event for the Small people when we spot them! 😀

  3. Gorgeous Photo.
    I love wandering round the area where I live on all the common land, wild ponies are my favourite but I don’t seem to have the knack of capturing them like you do x

  4. We have horses and cattle grazing on the common near us but we haven’t had sheep (yet!) A lovely sight and I’m pleased everyone got to where they needed to be! 🙂

  5. Neat capture! The sheep look quite content.
    I often wonder how easy it is to retrieve animals that are allowed to graze outside of fences. If I were a sheep I think I’d prefer to be out in the world rather than confined.
    Hope you’ll come by image-in-ing and link up.

  6. Ashley Beolens

    The moody lighting really suits shaggy sheep in the woods like that, excellent photo.

    1. It was a strange sight to see yesterday Iona – there were some others further along and all sitting down among the trees! Looked like a scene out of a fairy tale.

  7. Michaela - Two Little Paines

    how cool! I’d love to stumble across sheep in our forest, much better than random perverts!!!

  8. vicky lawless

    I can see why you thought they were lost, rather random to find sheep in the forest, beautiful picture

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