Saturday is caption day – breakfast

Saturday caption day breakfastMy son likes to eat breakfast like a king. My daughter, on the other hand, usually dines like a pauper early in the day rather than a queen. And talking about kings and queens when is the Royal one due? As a former news editor I can tell you that most newsrooms are now worrying about how much the baby-who-hasn’t-arrived-yet is costing them. They have teams waiting outside the Lindo wing at St Mary’s Hospital who have nothing to cover except each other waiting.

I missed breakfast the morning my daughter and son were born in London.

Yesterday we had a power outage after a massive storm. Reminded me of last October when I moved to the States with the kids. Two weeks after we arrived Hurricane Sandy hit.  The wind was already howling but I decided to make my kids a cooked breakfast before we retreated to the ‘hideout’ I’d made for us in one of the bedrooms. Then I heard banging on the front door.

One night evacuated to a shelter and then six more days and nights without electricity or hot water at home. What I notice most when the power is out is that I’m shut off from the internet.

Anyway, now it’s time for my breakfast.

What caption can you give the photo above? Saturday is caption day!

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