Pheasant-ly surprised!
For the last few months my kids and I’ve been chasing pheasants along hedgerows and near the edges of fields and woodlands around us. Every […]
Pheasant-ly surprised! Read More »
‘WILD KIDS’ is about ideas and adventures to encourage children to learn about nature and be outdoors. As ‘young naturalists’ they can discover the natural word and the importance of plants, wildlife and the wonders of nature especially in a world where youth are growing aware of the effects of climate change. As ‘wildlife detectives’ kids will enrich their observational skills. Whether being involved in birdwatching or following animal tracks, kids learn about wildlife in their natural habitats. From enjoying wild-time, wood scavenger hunts, playing in the snow or beachcombing, discover nature activities, crafts and ‘outdoor adventures.’
My goal is to encourage kids to have fun in the great outdoors whatever the season. And nature can have a huge positive impact on the health and well-being of children in our modern technical world even if it’s ‘just a walk’, finding out ’10 fun facts’ about different wild flowers or building their own amazing den.
For the last few months my kids and I’ve been chasing pheasants along hedgerows and near the edges of fields and woodlands around us. Every […]
Pheasant-ly surprised! Read More »
In the mornings we hear them singing in the trees around our garden – usually out of sight – so how can I make sure
How do we get wild birds to our garden? Read More »
What is it that fascinates kids about bugs? We’ve decided to do the Grapefruit Trap experiment every season so my kids can see which creepy
The Grapefruit Trap – Winter Read More »
We went for a walk this week where Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin and their friends lived. The fictional “Hundred Acre Wood” is actually a
Ashdown Forest Winnie the Pooh style walk Read More »
How often can you take your kids for a walk outdoors at night? Well, we had this magical experience following a circular mile-long trail at
Glow Wild after-dark at Wakehurst Read More »
Look Mummy all the cows have horns, said Theo. Yes Theo, all the cows here keep their horns, I answered. And someday they’ll be used
Farming with the moon Read More »